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    Academic Information

    Spring View Middle School offers an instructional program consisting of language arts, science, reading, social studies, math, Spanish, art, music, physical education, manufacturing technology, technology exploration, home economics, skills for adolescence, leadership, video production, AVID, and study skills.


    Homework is defined as school-related assignments that will require time and effort outside of the regular classroom.  Students should expect one and a half to two hours of homework daily. Students are to maintain homework assignments in their Student Planners. All homework assignments are posted weekly on the school’s website.

    Homework is an important part of the instructional program that WILL affect the student’s overall grade.  Regularly completed homework helps students: develop regular study habits and self-discipline basic to effective study and independent work; gain more information than would be possible in the class situation alone; have more opportunity to develop a personalized, creative approach to projects and other schoolwork; learn to budget time more effectively; and take advantage of community and home learning resources.  Make-up work will be allowed for excused absences.

    Schoolwide Late Work Policy:

    1. Daily/overnight work is not accepted late for credit.
    2. Major assignments are accepted late for reduced credit, at 10% reduction per day of lateness.
    3. In the case of student absence, work will be accepted for full credit up to the number of days the student was absent.  (Extended absence due dates will be determined in consultation with the teacher.) Tests and major assignments must be completed at teacher’s discretion. It is important that students and parents structure a regular time and a suitable environment to do this work. Failure to complete and turn in homework is the number one cause of low and failing grades.
    GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) Program

    GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) Program

    The Rocklin Unified School District is dedicated to providing the structure, support, training and resources necessary to ensure that students receive the highest quality education to become happy, healthy, productive members of society.  As part of a comprehensive array of educational programs and resources, the Rocklin GATE program assists students in developing their unique skills and abilities.  The goal is to provide every student with numerous opportunities for extended learning in the regular classroom and at all grade levels.
    If you wish to refer a child to the GATE Program, please request a Parent Referral form at the school office.  Screening is usually initiated at the second grade level.  If a child is referred earlier, information will be gathered to support identification at a later time.  Screening sessions are held three times per year.  After your form has been received, you will be notified of the next screening date.  If you would like more information on this process or are interested in joining the GATE parent group, please contact Jordan White at 630-3307, selection #3.  The GATE Advisory Committee coordinates/sponsors a number of activities including Odyssey of the Mind and Academic Talent Search. 
    Teacher and Office Assistants

    Teacher and Office Assistants

    Teacher assistant positions are available to eighth graders on a limited basis.  There are no guarantees that a student will get a teacher assistant position.  If chosen, this will replace an elective class for one semester only.
    Learning Centers

    Learning Centers

    Library - The library is open to all students from 8:10-8:40 a.m.  This is a drop-in learning center and students can take advantage of support from trained instructional aides.  The library will be closed the last week of school.

    Learning Center/Eagle Advantage  - During the school day, with a teacher’s pass, students may come to the Learning Centers for additional help and to make up tests.  The Learning Center is operated by the Special Education staff.  Eagle Advantage is an elective class that is operated by a teacher and instructional aides, which provides support to enrolled students.

    Homework Intervention Program (assuming available funds) – Spring View’s Homework Intervention Program will be available after school Monday-Thursday from 3:15-4:15 p.m.  The Homework Intervention Program is a drop in program where students receive assistance from classroom teachers.
    Grades/Student Progress

    Grades/Student Progress

    Parent/Guardian may request a weekly progress check through the academy teachers or counselor at any time.  Parent/Guardian and teachers may communicate through the Student Planner, Communication for Success form, telephone, or email.

    Elective and physical education teachers will have the option to report only on D’s and F’s at progress report time.

    Internet Access for Student Weekly Work and Student Grades

    1. Log onto Spring View Middle School Website at
    2. Click on Academies tab.
    3. Scroll down to find student’s academy.
    4. Click on each academy teacher’s web page by double clicking on teacher’s name.
    5. Read the web page for two items:
      a.   Link to student weekly work.  Double click to access.
      b.   Link to student grades. Double click on grades.  A screen will come up which will ask for student’s name and password.  Input student’s last name and input 7 digit password.  (If you do not have the password--contact the school to obtain.)
      c.   If you are unable to access grades—please contact homeroom teacher to have issue rectified.
    Student Class Assignments (Board Policy 6152)

    Student Class Assignments (Board Policy 6152)

    When assigning students to specific classrooms, the Superintendent or designee shall strive to provide the best possible learning environment for each student.  Insofar as possible, consideration shall be given to:
    • Recommendations of the current classroom teacher
    • Gender and ethnic balance
    • Academic balance of high, medium and low achievers
    • Balance of students with social or emotional problems
    • Strengths of individual teachers
    • Student’s interests, readiness, behavior and motivation


    The Superintendent or designee may accept from parents/guardians any information which would be helpful in making placement decisions.  However, parents/guardians who provide such information shall be informed that requests for a specific teacher shall be used as only one of many determining factors, which must be taken into account.  During the school year, the Superintendent or designee may make any adjustment in class placement which he/she considers beneficial to the student or the education program.

    Every year, much thought is put into the development of class lists and the assignment of students to teachers.  Many factors are considered in this process including, but not limited to, academic and social skills, class size, special needs, and students that need to be separated from each other. If parents have a concern regarding their child’s placement, the following procedures must be followed (Administrative Procedure 5200):

    • Allow two weeks for student adjustment to class.
    • Conference with the teacher following the end of the second week of placement.
    • Submit the concern(s) in writing to the school principal
    • Meet with the school principal to discuss the concern(s)


    Following the conference between parent/guardian and principal, the principal will make the final decision as to what course of action will be in the best interest of all concerned.  A complete copy of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6152 is available in the school office.


    Usage and Behavior:  Students may use the library any time during the regular school day, either with their class and teacher on a scheduled visit, or with the permission of their teacher and the librarian for independent study or computer work.  (A computer license is required.)  Students may borrow two books for a two-week period of time; books may be renewed as needed.  Students may borrow additional books for research and reports; however, limits may be placed on high-usage titles during intensive class use.  Teachers may place titles on a non-circulating reserve list for a specific period of time, thereby ensuring all students have equal access to information.  Students who do not return books on time will be charged a fine of $.10 per day per book until either the book is returned or renewed.

    Students must have a pass to enter the library during school hours, except during lunch, unless accompanied by a teacher or an aide.  They may use the library during lunch periods for study and personal reading (if not in conflict with another class).
    While in the library, students are expected to conduct themselves responsibly.  Loud talking, gum-chewing, eating, drinking, applying make-up, and similar behaviors are not appropriate or conducive to library study.  Students exhibiting any of these behaviors will be asked to leave the library.
    Book Damage or Loss:  Students are expected to pay for excessive damage to books or for loss of books – the cost will be determined by the current replacement cost of the title(s).  Students who do not meet these obligations lose further borrowing privileges and report cards will be withheld until such obligations have been met.  (Eighth graders should see promotion requirements.)
    Students may lose computer privileges if they use the equipment inappropriately.
    Awards and Recognition

    Awards and Recognition

    In order to meet the Principal’s Honor Roll status, an overall grade point average of 4.0 must be earned.
    In order to meet the Distinguished Honor Roll status, an overall grade point average of 3.80 to 3.99 must be earned.
    In order to meet Honor Roll status, an overall grade point average of 3.00 to 3.79 must be earned.
    In an effort to build on the academic honor concept, Spring View Middle School will continue to participate in the statewide honor society known as the California Junior Scholastic Federation (CJSF).  In order to qualify for this program, a student who has a grade point average of approximately 3.5 in the previous semester, based on a special California Junior Scholastic Federation (CJSF) formula, may apply for membership.  Students must also have maintained 90 merits and be willing to do volunteer work.  Seventh grade students can only qualify at the end of the first semester.  Students receiving a grade of “F” will not qualify for this program.  Students participating for three semesters automatically qualify for California Scholastic Federation (CSF) at the high school level. 
    Open Enrollment/Intradistrict (Board Policy 5116.1)

    Open Enrollment/Intradistrict (Board Policy 5116.1)

    Procedure for Intradistrict Attendance Agreement for K-8 School Students
    A parent/guardian who wishes his/her child to attend a school in another attendance area should prepare an application for an intradistrict attendance agreement made available at all K-8 school sites. The application process is to be initiated at the school of attendance. The principal or designee will sign the application and the parent/guardian will then deliver it to the school he/she wishes his/her child to attend.  If more applications are received at a particular school than space is available, a random drawing will be held to determine who will be granted an intradistrict attendance agreement.  Every effort will be made to complete this process at least 15 days before the start of the school year. Students who previously attended the school will be considered prior to new applicants.  Every effort will be made to accommodate additional family members, although there is no guarantee. Intradistrict attendance agreements will become tentatively effective five days prior to the first day of school each school year to ensure that students residing in the attendance area have had  an opportunity to enroll.
    During the first ten school days, pupils residing within the attendance area of the school shall have precedence over the students attending the school on intradistrict agreements.  Should an overload occur during the first ten days of school, pupils tentatively enrolled at the affected grade level on an intradistrict agreement shall return to their school of residence.  Should the school of residence be overloaded, said pupils may be transferred to another school.  Students enrolled in school due to child care arrangements at the affected grade levels shall be transferred to a nearby school where there is space.
    After the first 10 days of school, the students tentatively enrolled on an intradistrict agreement are subject to the same consideration as a child living in the attendance area for the school year. Should a school or classroom within a school become impacted anytime during the school year, the transfer of students shall be based on the last students to register in the affected grade levels.
    Parents/guardians of students with disabilities will follow the same intradistrict transfer request process as parents/guardians of nondisabled students.  However, the District must ensure a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for students with disabilities.  Therefore, prior to finalizing the approval of a transfer for a student with disabilities, the IEP team or the Section 504 team will be required to determine if the student can be provided FAPE at the school of choice.
    Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure against excessive transferring of any students.  The following exceptions shall be considered:  (1) Change of boundary lines when new schools open; (2) When boundary lines are adjusted to form a new attendance area; (3) The necessity to move an entire class or grade level; and (4) When the school of residence is full or impacted.
    A complete copy of Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5116.1 is available in the school office.
    Spring View Middle School Writing Requirements

    Spring View Middle School Writing Requirements

    Format (The appearance of the document)

    Proper Heading

    Other Features:  Must be typed or word processed, double spaced, on one side of white 8.5” x 11” piece of paper, set margins 1” all around, indent paragraphs 1 tab, use 12 pt. Font size, New Times Roman

    Conventions – All writing should be done in edited, standard English.

    Sentence Structure:  avoid run-ons, comma splices, fragments

    Mechanics:  Use correct capitalization and punctuation.

    Content – All writing should meet Rocklin Unified School District Language Arts Standards
    Creates a clear, well-defined opening, introduction or “hook.”
    Shows evidence of a controlling idea.
    Presents a clear pattern of organization.
    Provides supporting details for key ideas.
    Presents a conclusion or sense of closure. 
    Research Paper Format

    Plagiarism is not allowed – in writing your research paper, you must document everything that you borrow-not only from direct quotations and paraphrases but also information and ideas that are not your own.  Of course, common sense as well as ethics should determine what you document.  Common knowledge or familiar proverbs need not be cited, but you must indicate the source of any material that readers might otherwise mistake for your own.

    Sources Used:  MLA Bibliography Format
    Academic Integrity Policy

    Academic Integrity Policy

    The primary goal of any educational institution should be to enhance the learning environment and to promote the pursuit of intellectual excellence.  The Rocklin Unified School Board of Education believes that the public school should reinforce the values of our democratic society, teach citizenship, and provide an environment conducive to ethical behavior.  The Spring View community believes that the school should maintain a climate in which honesty, consideration, integrity, and a concern for others are highly valued.  The copy of the signed Academic Integrity Policy will be kept on file.


    California has been addressing the issue of student accountability for the past several years.  Growing concerns about students who are not grade level proficient have resulted in newly enacted laws that require school districts to retain, or hold back, students.  The purpose of retaining students is to provide additional opportunities for a student to learn grade level skills.  Legislation (AB 1639) was recently passed requiring all school districts to establish a promotion and retention policy.  AB 1639 also requires school districts to offer supplemental instruction to students with low reading, writing, or math achievement.
    Students are required to demonstrate that they have mastered grade level expectations in order to be promoted to the next grade.  Grade level expectations are based on the following:
    1. Grades
    2. Scores on achievement tests
    3. Teacher evaluation of student’s abilities and effort
    4. Student’s motivation level
    5. Proficiency assessments
    6. Parental involvement and family commitment to supporting the student’s academic achievement
    7. Attendance
    Students who are struggling with reading, language arts, or mathematic skills will be provided with opportunities for remedial instruction.  Such opportunities may include, but are not limited to, tutorial programs, after-school programs, summer school programs, and Saturday School.  It is extremely important that the student attend the recommended remedial instruction and learn the necessary skills.  To fail to do so will severely jeopardize the student’s opportunity to be promoted.
    When a student is identified as being at risk of retention, the student’s parent/guardian shall be notified in writing as early in the school year as practical.  The student’s parent/guardian shall be provided an opportunity to consult with the teacher(s) responsible for the decision to retain the student.
    If a student is identified as performing below the minimum standard for promotion, the student shall be retained in his/her current grade level unless the student’s regular classroom teacher determines, in writing, that retention is not appropriate intervention for the student’s academic deficiencies.  This determination shall specify the reasons that retention is not appropriate for the student and shall include recommendations for interventions other than retention that, in the opinion of the team, are necessary to assist the student in attaining acceptable levels of academic achievement.
    If the teacher’s recommendation to promote is contingent on the student’s participation in a summer school or interim session remediation program, the student’s academic performance shall be reassessed at the end of the remediation program, and the decision to retain or promote the student shall be reevaluated at that time.
    High School Exit Examination

    High School Exit Examination

    Beginning with the Class of 2006, all students must pass the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) to earn a high school diploma.  State law, enacted in 1999, authorized the development of CAHSEE, which students in California public schools would have to pass to earn a high school diploma, beginning with the Class of 2004.  The law also authorized the State Board of Education (SBE) on or before August 1, 2003, to delay the consequences of the CAHSEE (ED Code 60850-60859).  On July 9, 2003,the SBE announced that the consequences of the CAHSEE would be delayed for two years, making the Class of 2006 the first class required to pass the CAHSEE to earn a high school diploma.
    There are two parts to the CAHSEE:  The English-language arts and mathematics.  By law, each part is to address the state academic content standards adopted by the SBE.

    Beginning with the Class of 2006, all tenth-grade students are required to take the CAHSEE.  Tenth graders may only take the CAHSEE once while in tenth grade.  The test for tenth grade students will be given in either February, March, or May, with a make-up in March or May only.  Students may be given up to five additional opportunities to retake the examination.  Only the part(s) not passed must be taken again.

    • Students who are English learners are required to take the CAHSEE in tenth grade with all other tenth grade students.  The District may defer the requirement that these students pass the CAHSEE for up to 24 calendar months of enrollment in California public schools, but they must still take the CAHSEE during this period of time.  All students must pass the CAHSEE in English to receive their high school diploma.
    • Students with disabilities must pass the CAHSEE to receive their high school diploma.  These students must be permitted to take the test with any accommodation or modification specified for the CAHSEE, for standardized testing, or for use during classroom instruction and assessments in their Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Plans.
    • Students who take the CAHSEE with modifications will not receive a valid score.  However, at the request of a parent/guardian, a school principal shall submit a request for a waiver of the requirement to successfully pass the CAHSEE to the school district governing board for a student with a disability who has taken the CAHSEE with modifications that alter what the test measures and has received the equivalent of a passing score on one or both parts of the CAHSEE.  The school district may waive the requirement to pass one or both parts of the CAHSEE if the student has met the requirements listed in California Education Code Section 60851 (c).
    Additional information about the CAHSEE is posted on CDE’s Web site at:
    Uniform Complaint Procedure

    Uniform Complaint Procedure

    Federal law requires the school district and county office to adopt and notify parents of the District’s complaint procedures for state and federal educational programs, including the opportunity to appeal to the state department.  The Act requires the school district to investigate and seek to resolve complaints at the local level and to follow uniform complaint procedures pursuant to state regulations when addressing complaints alleging unlawful discrimination for failure to comply with the law in adult basic education, consolidated categorical aid programs, migrant education, vocational education, child are and development programs, child nutrition programs and special education programs.

    The Governing Board has adopted a complaint procedure for programs and services covered by this act and a compliance officer has been appointed to process claims, investigate, and ensure compliance with the law.  A copy of the Uniform Complaint Procedure may be obtained from the District Office.