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What is Schoology?

All Rocklin USD students in grades 7-12 use Schoology as their Learning Management System. Teachers use Schoology to manage their courses, distribute assignments and instructional materials, post assessments, and record student scores in the gradebook. 

Parent Schoology Accounts

Parents can use Schoology to monitor their students’ activities, assignments, and progress. To register for a Schoology Parent Account, parents need a Parent Access Code, which can be obtained from your student’s teacher or the school's front office. The code is unique to each student; however, multiple parents and/or guardians can use the same Parent Access Code to set up their parent accounts. 
With a Schoology Parent Account, parents and/or guardians can access the following information:
  • View their student's class schedule and course details
  • See upcoming assignments and due dates
  • Check announcements from teachers and the school
  • Monitor their students’ overall academic progress  

How do I create a Parent Schoology account?

  • Visit
  • Click Parent 
  • Enter the Parent Access Code provided by your student’s teacher or school and select Continue
  • Enter your information in the required fields on the screen and select Register 
  • Once you log in, you’ll be guided through a tutorial. You can browse your students’ activities by selecting your student's name from the top right dropdown. If you have more than one student (at any secondary school within RocklinUSD) and have received multiple Parent Access Codes, click the + and select Add Child to add them under the same account.
  • You will receive an email confirmation from Schoology asking you to verify your email address to complete the registration process. If you do not receive the email, please check your spam folder.

How do I add additional students to my Parent Schoology account?

  • Log in to your Schoology account using your username or email address and password
  • Click the arrow next to your name in the top-right corner
  • Click the Add Child button
  • Enter the Child Code for the student you're adding. This is the same as the Parent Access Code you received from your student's teacher or school.
  • Click Use Code to complete